Hey there! Welcome to my blog!
This is the place to come and share what kind of projects you are up to around your home, and garden—what is working and what isn’t!
Something I’ve learned that is important to add to your home, inside and outside is a bit of whimsy or humor! It’s youthful, it’s fun and it puts a smile on someone’s face.
Here’s what I did this weekend to achieve that~ I had two large bags of recycled glass—gorgeous icy blue, that remind me of a glacier in Alaska. But what to do with it was the question! Here’s the solution—create a faux water feature in your garden with the rocks, and recycled glass to add movement creativity and playfulness to your landscaping.
Here’s what you need:
Large bag of recycled glass (Great place to buy is Pasadena's Cactus Center -
Weed fabric (at any nursery)
River rocks (big box stores by the bag)
Yard stone art like a turtle, fish or maybe a terra cotta fountain.
Create an “S” shape design for your river path. Dig about an inch or two for depth, creating a little “gutter” on the sides to catch excess dirt. The Weed fabric does a great job of protecting your glass, but you want to add extra protection especially when it’s rainy.
Lay out the weed fabric (plastic shiny part up, soft fabric part down) over the river path with extra around the edges to be trimmed later. Now cover with the recycled glass, and then the river rocks as a border.
Using a utility knife/ razor blade cut the weed fabric (carefully) close to the edges so it will disappear. Now go back and add additional rocks where needed to you don’t see any of the weed fabric. Add a yard art feature like a turtle that appears to be walking into the river of rocks, or something else.
Check it out~! ( picture coming)
If you have a fun project, let me know!
Talk soon,