Sunday, June 7, 2009

Man Crafts

Okay all you manly men, time to get busy with Man Crafts! What are they? Yes tools ar involved, although in some cases just your hands. This is a book out by the editors of Popular Mechanics, based on their historic step by step post war booklets. It takes you back to the early days of post World War II, when servicemen returning home turned to new skills and trades to master, make a living and a future for themselves and their families. For today's world the Man Crafts outlined have an appeal not only for nostalgic reasons, especially if you have a relative who served in WWII, but also important skills that translate to home improvement projects of today.


Some may sound a little Martha Stewart, but keep your mind open guys:

Things like:

*Stenciling a border of words in a room

*Carpentry 101 and how the Coping Saw helps

*Making furniture from a table to a chair

*Book binding

*Leather working

It's a quick read and whether you are a Man, or a Woman really, can pick up some pointers that you may find relaxing, and simple in our high tech world. Man Crafts,


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